
A Wholesome Dietary Program May Replace Your Life

November 2, 2022 , dates suppliers, healthy

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How to store Zahedi dates

This type of date is known as Zahedi date because of the moisture in its skin and flesh, and according to this, the way of keeping Zahedi dates is different from other dates, which we are going to examine in this article.


Zahedi dates can be stored at high temperature without harming them, but in the hot season, dates are usually stored in cold places so that insects and bacteria do not grow and do not cause spoilage.


Zahedi dates can be stored in the refrigerator, fresh dates are stored at 0 ° C, such conditions can create a shelf under the freezer, if the dates were of excellent quality when sent to the refrigerator, about two months They can be maintained.

How to store Zahedi dates, if the dates are packed in a plastic nylon and a cardboard box, you can put the box in the refrigerator in a compartment for storing vegetables.


Dates can be stored for several months without losing their nutritional quality and appearance, and they can be stored in the freezer.


They are carefully packed in a freezer bag and frozen tightly, the shelf life in the freezer can be several years.


Pressed dates can be kept at normal temperature, because they are processed under certain conditions by pasteurization, these dates should not be exposed to light, so they should be kept in a dark and cool place.


The shelf life of pressed dates is usually indicated on the packaging, it is believed that they can be stored for a long time, but it is better to eat them within a year.


Specifications of Zahedi dates

Many sellers or traders recognize the type of date from its characteristics, whether it is a Zahedi date or not, and here we want to examine these characteristics together. Dates strengthen the cardiovascular system, with continuous use, the normal rhythm of the heart is restored.


Dates are just a bomb for the brain because they contain a lot of fructose, dates are often consumed before an exam or important mental work to activate memory and brain activity.


Dates are often used to fight colds and also to strengthen the immune system, these tasty fruits improve mood, relieve stress and increase human efficiency.


We often prepare dates in a variety of ways and they are usually sold in packages. It is necessary to store these fruits in a cool place. A bag of packed dates usually has holes. This is done to ensure that the dates do not stick. If you see that the nylons inside the package do not have holes, make the holes yourself.


If you buy dates in bulk, you should put them in a plastic or glass container and open them periodically to ventilate them. It is not recommended to leave the jar door open all the time, because the fruit can emit an unpleasant smell from the refrigerator. Attract.


If you store a lot of dates, some of them may be frozen, just put the dried fruits in nylon and then in the freezer, so their shelf life will increase many times.

As you know, dates have unique characteristics according to their species, and Zahedi date is no exception and has its own special properties.

Dates have many vitamins (C, B1, B2, B6) and are naturally rich in minerals. Dates help regulate intestinal transit. Zahedi dates can be stored longer.


Dates are rich in fiber and help regulate intestinal transit, if you have intestinal problems, dates will be a valuable ally because they are rich in fiber, these play an important role in bowel regularity. It also limits colon cancer.