AUTHOR : zahedidate
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Let’s be honest, navigating the Malaysian date scene can feel like deciphering an ancient scroll. Fear not, fellow kurma enthusiasts! Today, we’re shedding light on the organic revolution, taking a deep dive into Zahedi dates, and unveiling the secrets of finding top-notch organic dates suppliers right here in Malaysia. So, grab your curiosity caps and […]
AUTHOR : zahedidate
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Hypoglycemia occurs when blood sugar (glucose) levels drop too low. There are several reasons why this can happen, but the most common cause of hypoglycemia is a side effect of medications used to treat diabetes. Blood sugar regulation When you eat, your body breaks down carbohydrates into different sugar molecules, including glucose, through foods like […]
AUTHOR : zahedidate
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Popular for its nutritional value, the Zahid and Zahedi dates, or the ‘date fruit’ as it is also known, are grown throughout Egypt. Considered to be one of the tastiest of all Egyptian fruits, the Zahedi dates have an earthy taste with hints of plums, peaches and nectarines. The skin of the fruit is slightly […]
AUTHOR : zahedidate
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Iranian Zahedi Dates are long-lasting and high quality dates. It’s considered among the tastiest dry fruits in the world. Iranian Zahedi date is considered as a kind of dessert or raisin. Iranian Zahedi is called as ” Mehrdi “in Persian and it is a grape like large juicy red fruit. Iranian Zahedi date is mainly […]
AUTHOR : zahedidate
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Zahedi dates are the main source of I.V. water for the people of Iran and are very popular in all Islamic countries including Iran. It has been used by the Persians as an important source of nourishment for centuries. The benefit of Zahedi dates is that it contains a great quantity of nutrients, vitamins and […]
AUTHOR : zahedidate
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Zahedi dates are an excellent source of hard-to-find date flowers. They are produced by the Syuzi plant from the Karanj (Karite) area of Iran. Iran is one of the world’s largest producers of dates, and they are especially plentiful in the southwestern part of the country. Some are even available as a premium Persian flower […]